June Wrap-up 2019/ Sims-a-thon wrap-up

So the Sims-a-thon happened this month which I was going to do a TBR post for but then wasn’t sure if I’d actually take part and then did so here’s my June wrap up featuring a Sims-a-thon wrap-up!

I was surprised at how much I actually got read this month and I’m very pleased with myself!

June wrap-up 2019

What’s a Girl Gotta Do? – Holly Bourne

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

This is the final book in the Spinster club series (excluding And a Happy New Year) and boy did I enjoy it. I was nearly going to give it 4 stars and now I have no idea why (which is why it’s 5 stars, I had no reason to give it just 4) because I really, really enjoyed it. I loved how present Amber and Evie were in this book and despite dealing with a very real issue, it was such a fun read.

Mad Girl – Bryony Gordon

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

I really did enjoy this. It wasn’t a new favourite and I did find myself slightly bored in some places but not for long. This is a memoir which was one of the books I wanted to read in my non-fiction books I’ve read/want to read mental health awareness post. Like I said, I enjoyed it but I don’t have a huge amount to say about this one.

On a Scale of One to Ten – Ceylan Scott

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

This is one of those books that I did thoroughly enjoy but something about it didn’t give me the full 5 star feeling but I can’t exactly put it down to anything in particular, not that I can think of anyway. I read this in just one morning and I did enjoy every second of it. It’s not exactly a light read as it deals with mental health and a psychiatric hospital.

This book was for the sim-a-thon build a house challenge. Technically you were means to choose a household or create a sim first but this was from the library and it was due back soon so I thought it wouldn’t harm to swap them around since I was definitely going to complete the first challenge.  (3 points)

Caraval – Stephanie Garber

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

This was a reread for me and there’s always a fear that I’m not going to love a book as much the second time around but I loved this so, so much. It needed a reread because I have Legendary on my shelves from last year but to be honest, I couldn’t really remember what happened in Caraval so needed a refresher. This has gotten me so excited for Legendary.

This completed the challenge for create-a-sim which was meant to be first and the challenge for this was read a book that’s the first in a series. (5 points)

Depression and Other Magic Tricks – Sabrina Benaim

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Ehhhh. I loved Explaining My Depression to My Mother but to be quite honest, the rest fell a little on the flat side for me. Maybe this just wasn’t as good as I had hoped or maybe reading other people’s poetry is just not for me.

This completed the Eat a Cookie challenge, read a book under 200 pages. (1 point)

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo – Taylor Jenkins Reid

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, I did. And I can see why so many people love it but for me it just didn’t give me that full 5 star feeling. And I know people sob at the ending, but it just didn’t make me cry. I did cry at a couple of points in this book, but wasn’t full on sobbing by the end, let’s put it that way. I really loved having some mixed media magazine type articles in there too.

This was for get a career and the career I chose was to Style Influencer which was to read a hyped book (1 point)

The Paper and Hearts Society – Lucy Powrie

Rating: 4.5 stars

I absolutely adored the beginning and middle of this book. I loved the characters so much (especially Ed!!!) and just the whole bookish vibe about this book. It just what I needed in terms of bookish vibes. Unfortunately, where this book let me down a bit was the end. I understand why it was done but I couldn’t help but feel like it’s exactly what was going to happen. I understand there needs to be conflict but it just wasn’t my favourite. That being said, I did enjoy the last chapter or two!

This completed the Make a Friend prompt for the Sims-a-thon. (3 points)

My total points for the Sims-a-thon = 13

So that was my rather successful wrap-up (for me at least anyway!). What books did you enjoy/not enjoy in June?

Lucy 🙂 x

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